Please check the sheet named 'Course List' on the google sheet
[How to Check the Coure List]
ⓐ구분(Section): It indicates if the course is offered by one of major offices or the office managing liberal arts courses.
ⓑ캠퍼스(Campus): You can know if the course is taken in Suwon or Seoul campus. Most of the courses that inbound students can take are offered in Suwon campus.
**ⓒ언어(Language):**The professor will speak in the language and the textbook and materials are also in the language. (If you do not understand Korean, please do not choose Korean classes except for "Korean Language for Novice"
ⓓ과목번호(Course Number): Please fill out the Course Registration Plan(form) with this number. Not Course Code!
ⓔ학점(Credit): The credits you can get
ⓕ요일(Day): The day when you should take the course
**ⓖ시간(Time):**Plase refer to the time table on the right side to check what time the course starts and ends.
Ex) If there is a number [ 6 , 7 , 8 ] in the "Time" section. It means that the course starts at 14:00 pm and ends at 16:50
ⓗ담당학과(Department/Major): Most students will belong to the major named “International Industrial Information (called as “Triple I”) since this major offers the most English courses. Even though the courses from the majors which are not Triple I, you can still take them.
-The number means the students' grade that the course is supposed to teach. If the course is marked with 1st, it means the level of the course is for the first grade.
ⓙ온/오프라인(On/Offlines): According to the COVID19 situation, each professor will choose how to give lectures
-Anyone can take this class: Both Korean and Foreign students can take it.
-Only for foreign students: The class is open only for foreign students. No Korean student can take it.
-French/German/Russian/Japanese/Chinese students cannot take this class: Professors won’t allow a student whose mother tongue is the same as the main language of the course to take these courses.